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Dear User,

If you are receiving a message that your IP address is block-listed, our Bogon list is not the culprit. Our Bogon data is used only to track IP’s that are not yet registered for use on the Internet. If you have found yourself listed, most likely you have an IP address in the range 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x, 192.168.x.x or fe80::  These IP addresses are not the actual address you have on the Internet. They are used specifically for local networks only. They are known as private or reserved addresses, and the technical explanation can be found here:

Please see the following URL to determine what your actual IP address:

You can find more about the 192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x IP prefixes here:

IP addresses reserved for the local network are not intended to appear on the Internet. This is why those IPs are listed as Bogon in various tools. Often we find that well-intentioned network administrators might have added our Bogon list data to (as an example) email servers, thinking it was a list of “bad” IPs, but this is not the way the list is intended to be used. Unfortunately, as we do not control your network at all, we are unable to “unblock you”. Please contact your network administrator and ask them to consider removing the Team Cymru Bogon list as it may be being used incorrectly.

Maintaining a list of Bogons is one of the various things we do to try and make the Internet run more efficiently.

Team Cymru

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